Find Your Calm · Learn to Meditate

MANAGE stress, anxiety & overwhelm, naturally

Hello friend. Are you stressed out, worn down, and constantly craving the next vacation?


The Modern Meditator Mindfulness Course for Beginners, Find Calm Anywhere, Anytime

I can teach you how to de-stress and find calm – wherever, whenever.

There’s a lot going on in the world right now, and it’s a lot to deal with. But when our usual ways of blowing off steam are no longer working (and did they ever, really, anyway?) – how do you handle uncertainty, overwhelm and the pressures of modern life?


Mindfulness Meditation Course for Beginners · Ringwood, Outer Eastern Melbourne · Tweed Coast, Northern Rivers NSW · Online

More than learning how to relax, mindfulness meditation is the ultimate life hack (albeit a lifelong one!), that’s portable, versatile, and free; that once learned, will grow to support you in countless areas of your life:

• Stress & Anxiety
• Difficult Emotions
• Sleep & Insomnia
• Relationships & Parenting
• Work, Focus & Creativity
• Pain & Illness
• Self Confidence & Compassion
• Healing from Trauma

It’s the first step to fostering the most important relationship you have – with yourself.

Meditate your own way. Classes and courses by The Modern Meditator

You know what, friend? Meditation doesn’t need to be hard.

Despite what you may have seen, heard, or experienced for yourself, there’s an easier, quicker, and gentler way to calm that’s free from rules, dogma, and guilt.

While the stories of the “extreme sports” variety of meditation are true (where you’re not allowed to think, move, or fall asleep) – just because it’s hard doesn’t mean it’s better.

Breaking free from meditators’ guilt and embracing a more “free-range” style of practice, where you decide for yourself what’s best, is the thing in my experience that actually works.


Learn to Meditate at Home, The Modern Meditator, Mindfulness Course for Beginners

From day one, you’ll experience how this ancient, yet science-backed practice has a profound effect on your mind – and body.

Over six weeks, we’ll gather together in a small group of likeminded beginners. We’ll be strangers at first but you’ll be surprised at how quickly that feeling fades.

I’ll introduce you to different mindfulness and meditation techniques and we’ll practise them together. You’ll start to work out that ones you like – and importantly – the ones you really don’t.

You’ll see how powerful it is to trade meditation stories. You can ask me anything.

Perhaps most of all, you’ll learn you’re not alone in the struggles that brought you searching for meditation in the first place.

Starts: Tuesday 23 July
Last Class: Tuesday 27 August
Time: 7:15pm-8:45pm (Melb/Syd time)
Duration: 6 weeks
Location: Online, via Zoom
Course Fee: $267 | Concession $230

Meditation can be daunting at first, yet Bec’s guidance broke down those beliefs and gave tools for each individual to succeed, every day, in their own way.



Course Info

What You’ll Learn

  • The fundamentals of meditation and how it works – so that you’ll understand not just what meditation is, but how it helps to calm the body and the mind.
  • Several types of mindfulness meditation ranging from spot meditations to longer formal ones – so that you can meditate literally wherever you are, whenever you need to.
  • Several meditation techniques – so that you can discover and nurture your own instinctive style.
  • The role our thoughts and emotions play in meditation – and in our lives.
  • How to find peace and contentment whatever the circumstances.

What You’ll Receive

  • Six, live small group classes, either in-person or online — check the course dates.
  • Recordings of the guided meditations presented in class so that you can practice in your own time.
  • Weekly summary email with practice tips and further reading so that you can cement your learning
  • Course completion certificate.

What You’ll Need

In-Person Courses:

  • A notebook or journal and pen.
  • An open mind 🙂

Online Courses:

  • An internet connection
  • A device installed with Zoom – preferably a computer, laptop or tablet as I will be sharing slides.
  • A quietish spot in your house where you can comfortably sit, stand, lay down and walk (about 5-10 paces.)
  • A notebook or journal and pen.
  • An open mind 🙂

Think meditation is all lotus position and ohm’s? Think again. Thanks to Bec (a.k.a The Modern Meditator) I learnt that meditation takes so many forms and can be almost whatever you want, whenever you want, and where ever you are. Meditation is now part of my daily routine, whether it’s two minutes or twenty; taking time out to sit, to breathe, and just be thankful.


Hi, I’m Bec, former stress-head and your accredited meditation teacher and mindfulness coach.

Meet the teacher, Rebecca Crozier, The Modern Meditator Mindfulness Instructor

Hey there! I’m so pleased you’ve landed here. Once upon a time, I was stressed out, full of anxiety and was ill-equipped to deal with what modern life was dishing me. That is until 2012, when I took my own first mindful breath. I can’t wait to share with you all I’ve learned in my quest for a calmer, more content and happy life.


I learned meditation styles that actually work for me; I feel more confident, capable and happy, too. I’m so grateful for Bec who is the most kind, knowledgeable, and fun teacher. She’s super accommodating, let’s you go at your own pace and makes you feel proud you took this step.


Meditation is always something I wanted to give a go but never had anyone to show me how to do. Thanks for your amazing instruction and well-presented course.


Thank you so much for your help. I feel like I’m in a much better place to improve my meditation experience now! I really like your guided meditations, they were really well written and perfectly delivered. I think you have a real talent for it.


Cannot thank you enough for the techniques you taught us to help deal with our everyday battles.


You were an awesome instructor. You’re authentic, considered and trustworthy.


I undertook the meditation course while in Melbourne’s lockdown and it eased my stress, helped me learn how to get to sleep much faster, and reminded me of gratitude during a difficult time.

LUcy S

I signed up to the Learn to Meditate course with my 15-year-old daughter. We absolutely loved it and meditation has become a regular part of our lives.

paul a

Can’t express how much your classes helped me.


Frequently Asked Questions

How do I know if this mindfulness meditation beginner’s course is right for me?

If you can relate to any of the below statements, then this course could be right for you:

• You’re a stressed-out overthinker who has trouble switching off
• You juggle lots of things in life and can be easily distracted
• You’ve had some stress-related health concerns
• You find it hard to fall asleep and stay asleep
• You anger easily and would like to deal with it better
• You’ve never really meditated, or have dabbled in the past and “failed”
• You’re ready to try something new

You might also find it useful to know what this course doesn’t cover:

• Transcendental Meditation (TM)
• Yoga
• Reiki
• Law of Attraction
• Overly spiritual or religious practices

What’s the format of the mindfulness for beginners course sessions?

Each session typically flows something like this:

• Welcome and brief chat
• Settling meditation
• Theory + concepts with discussion
• A couple more meditations
• Journalling
• Group chat

Why do we need to be involved in group discussion? Isn’t this meditation?

Whilst meditation is, of course, a big part of the syllabus – that’s what we’re all here to practise – the theory, concepts and group learning around the experience of meditation is equally as valuable. Through conversation, we come to understand all experiences in meditation are valid – from the mundane ones to the blissful ones and everything in between.

Having said that – if you’re feeling anxious about participating in group discussion, please know that we start things off very gently at the beginning until everyone is comfortable with each other.

Do I need to attend all of the mindfulness meditation classes? What happens if I miss one?

Ideally, you’ll attend each beginner’s meditation class as each builds on the previous one. However, if you happen to miss one, I’ll be sending out a recap and recordings of the guided meditations each week so you can catch up in your own time if you would like to. You would also be welcome to do a catch-up session at future courses.

I’ve tried meditation before and it didn’t work. My mind was just too busy. Why should I give it another go?

Learning mindfulessmeditation in a group setting, and with a teacher, is different to learning it from a book or an app. I know this because I was once where you are! I started off meditating with instructions from David Michie’s book, Hurry Up and Meditate, which was wonderful and got me started – but it wasn’t until I joined a class that things really clicked for me.

Also, this course teaches many different meditation styles and techniques which will lead you to discover a way that resonates and works for you.

Is this meditation course affiliated with any religious or spiritual practice?

Whilst the concepts in this course do originate from ancient Eastern practices and Buddhist teachings, they are also backed by science, and presented in a modern, secular (non-religious) and lighthearted way. I like to think this course is fun! Humour is definitely welcome. I use language and relevant analogies that we can all understand as busy people living in Western culture.

Whilst religion often has a leader or guru to worship, in meditation, we adopt the concept of ‘beginner’s mind’ which applies equally to the teacher as it does the student.

My role in teaching meditation is to share my knowledge and experience, but first and foremost, it’s to facilitate your own personal discovery into a meditation practice that works for you.

What benefits will I get from learning meditation with you?

There are many so benefits documented, both scientifically and anecdotally – from better sleep, improved immune system and emotion regulation; to lower blood pressure, better relationships and all-round general happiness. 

You might be interested to know what meditation has done for me:

I am more resilient and less reactive than I used to be.

I know how to calm down and ride through acute situations like anxiety attacks and high-pressure situations (like appearing on national television for the first time!)

My relationships have improved – I’m much more empathetic and others-focused than I was as a self-absorbed 20-something.

I haven’t had a cold or flu since 2012. Honest!

I’ve been able to recognise and face many fears, like public speaking and dealing with conflict.

I can tell when I’m about to eat more than I should and can stop myself from feeling stuffed and overfull. (Except chocolate. That’s a W.I.P)

I have developed an awe and wonder of the simple things in life which means I’m content and happy most of the time – even in a pandemic!

I understand what my emotions are for and the messages they have for me (eg when anxiety pops up to tell me it’s time to get moving and stop procrastinating.)

I am less distracted and can hold my concentration for longer periods, which means I’m better at work and at having conversations.

Ready to meditate? Register your details.

Starts: Tuesday 23 July
Last Class: Tuesday 27 August
Time: 7:15pm-8:45pm (Melb/Syd time)
Duration: 6 weeks
Location: Online, via Zoom
Course Fee: $267 | Concession $230

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    Register for a spot and I'll be in touch with payment details and next steps.

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    M: 0417 571 037