Sometimes you just need someone to tell you that everything is going to be OK. Lean on this short guided meditation to get you through life’s challenges; to get you through tough times.

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I sometimes catch myself thinking; I can’t wait to retire, life will be so easy and stress free and I’ll have time in the world. But we needn’t wait till our later years to finally change pace. With meditation we can slow down our racing mind; slow down our racing lives.

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Just. Enjoy. This.

Being present can feel impossible with all the distractions and stresses of modern life. Even when we’re meant to be doing something fun, we’re a thousand miles away, missing the experience. But not anymore! In this meditation we we practice being present, and give ourselves permission to Just. Enjoy. This.

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In this meditation we learn that through consistent practice of present moment awareness, even the most boring, routine tasks (e.g. driving, washing, groceries) can be ripe opportunities to experience a little bit of soul-nourishing magic.

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We often come to meditation with a goal and then we learn having goals for meditation is completely counter-productive. In this meditation we can reframe what a meditation goal could be – to access the wonder that’s within.

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When our inner critic starts getting loud it’s time to practice some self-compassion. In this meditation we counter the negative chit-chat by actively welcoming all of experience with a simple yet powerful intention: Yes.

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The Mountain

There are metaphors everywhere for mindfulness – clouds coming and going, actors in a play, sitting at the bus stop but not catching the bus. And perhaps one of the most famous is The Mountain by Jon Kabat-Zinn.

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Surf’s Up

Meditation has many benefits but unfortunately it doesn’t make us numb to discomfort, fear and other icky feelings. What it does do, is teach us to surf – surf the waves of thoughts and emotions we experience every single day, whether calm lapping ripples or a devastating deluge.

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